

心理学 and criminal justice major

Get comfortable being uncomfortable. There’s a lot of different things to do on campus and if you get over the mental aspect of being uncomfortable, you’ll have so much more fun!





Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania (Seneca Valley Senior HS)


The friends I have made makes it feel like a second home. I first learned about Mount Union through being recruited for basketball. I chose to attend largely because of basketball as well as the aura of the campus. 有家的感觉!


I chose psychology as my major because I have always been interested in mental disorders and how they affect people. Through some of my psychology classes, we do role plays and act as out scenarios based on what we are learning in class. It’s a great experience due to not having many options for internships based on confidentiality laws for clients. I also chose criminal justice because it fascinates me how the mind works of criminals and the crimes they commit.



My ultimate career goal is either an FBI Profiler or a forensic psychologist. Mount Union is preparing me by giving me information about possible internships and opportunities that I can use. The Integrative Core will make me better in my field because these classes make me well-rounded, focusing on different topics that you might not get through courses for your major. They give important insight as well as introduce you to the college experience.


Advice for Future Raiders

Get comfortable being uncomfortable. There’s a lot of different things to do on campus and if you get over the mental aspect of being uncomfortable, you’ll have so much more fun! It’s also okay to make mistakes.