

Musical Theatre and English major

Mount Union does not feel like a second home to me; but rather my primary home because it not only offers me people that I choose to be my family, 还有支持, 鼓励 and opportunities to be the best version of myself and pursue the things that make me Amy.




Mount Union does not feel like a second home to me; but rather my primary home because it not only offers me people that I choose to be my family, 还有支持, 鼓励, and opportunities to be the best version of myself and pursue the things that make me Amy.

Opportunities For Success

I transferred to Mount Union because I was not getting enough music at my previous university. As also a Musical Theatre major, that was heart-shattering for me. Mount Union not only has a gifted, 有竞争力的, and blossoming music department that touches the musical theatre track in the theatre department, but it also has mentors and peers that truly want to see you succeed.

Why English and Musical Theatre

I am lucky to have two seemingly different, yet incredibly cohesive majors that are English and theatre. My passion in this life is storytelling; it’s the reason I act, sing, and dance. I have loved telling other people’s stories my entire life on stage. Once I began taking English classes and reading more (often theatrical) literature, I realized that I needed to start telling my own as well. My English major is what inspired me to begin telling my own in the form of songwriting and poetry, which has quite honestly been my saving grace more than anybody will ever know.


I believe that the Integrative Core at Mount Union will make me a better professional in both career fields that I am choosing because the integrative core challenges me to bring whoever I am independently to a place where people are or are pursuing things vastly different than I am myself. This is important because no matter where you work, there will be significant differences that need to be overcome; however, it does not need to be at the cost of who you’d are or how you operate individually.


My ultimate career goal and dream is to be a successful thespian as well as a singer/songwriter. My calling is clearly in the arts industry; however, as long as I am performing, I am willing to tell any stories thrown my way. Be it my own or other characters!